A club invites you to join its Academy. What happens now?
Paul Holder, former assistant Academy director at Crystal Palace, explains the next stages
At the Crystal Palace Academy, youngsters train three times a week - one and a half hours on Tuesday evenings and Thursday evenings and an hour on Saturday mornings.
On Sundays, they play matches against other Academy teams. That could mean up to 28 games a season.
At Under-9s, 10s and 11s, the matches are eight-a-side, moving up to regular 11-a-side numbers after that.
Players are given practical homework such as training drills they can practice at home.
Their parents are also given advice on things like nutrition and mental preparation.
Agility is very important too.
So, while the players can practise their football skills at the academy, we'll ask their schools to make sure they take part in other sports such as gymnastics or basketball.
When he's approaching 16, the club will sit down with the player and his parents to decide the best way forward.
If the player is offered a scholarship, he'll more than likely move to live in digs near the club.
He'll be expected to continue his education, though, and will be offered various courses such as A levels, BTecs or GNVQs at a local college.
He'll also be expected to do some jobs around the club, such as collecting the kit and taking it to the laundry.