Last Name: mansouf
City: La Maddalena
State/Prov: Olbia-Tempio
Country: Italy
Your Age: 21
Playing Position: RB/LB/MC
Current Football Club: Ilvamaddalena 1903
Past Football Club: Rachad Bernoussi
Football Club You Want Trial For: Brighton And Hove Albion
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I started when I was 10 years old and in my country (Morocco ) if you don't pay you can't play.. So I had to leave the club and play in the street with my friends.. And when when I was 15 years old I came to Italy and I started to play with local team and improving my abilities til this day.. I did the youth teams and now I'm playing with 1st team..
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I'm tecnic, speed, and even if I slim I'm stronger than a rock.. I'm good heading and when you put me everywhere I know the movements... Cause I used to play every position except GK..
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: Because I wanted to leave football.. But most people tell me that I have excellent quality to play and go forward in my carrer... The end of this year There will be some clubs on me but my intention was leaving Italy and go to Brighton because I like it very much it's a friendly town.
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