Last Name: Arsalan
City: Karachi
State/Prov: Sindh
Country: Pakistan
Your Age: 17
Playing Position: RW,RM.CF
Current Football Club: none
Past Football Clubs: none
Football Club you want a trial for: FC Barcelona
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I am 17 years old.I love Football More Than anything in this world.I would happily play free for Fc Barcelona as it is my favourite club.My Idol in football is Lionel Messi.My style of play is also like lionel messi.there is just one chance that i need to prove myself like messi did i am sure i will be able to prove myself.I play mostly in a grassy ground and sometimes futsal.Football is my passion and i am willing to do anything for it.
Thank You
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: I am right winger and also can play as a centre forward.My style of play is like messi as he is my idol in football.i can cut past defenders with ease but i also like to pass the ball to each player so the game has a flow in it.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: I think i should just be given the chance to play for fc barcelona and to learn from them it is my favourite club and i would like to start my carreer there and also retire at fc barcelona.I would even play free for fc barcelona as i just want to play for fc barcelona
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