Romano Anslin
Last Name: Holben
City: Port Elizabeth
State/Prov: Eastern Cape
Country: South Africa
Your Age: 20
Playing Position: striker
Current Football Club: Varsity College FC
Past Football Clubs: Glenville Celtic FC , Booysen Pride FC
Football Club you want a trial for: Manchester United
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I started at under 9 level going through all the divisions up to senior level. I started at Booysen pride fc played at the club untill Under 15 then I went to glenville celtic fc when I started playing Under 17. I was at the club for two years.I am currently playing at VCFC VARSITY COLLEGE FC. Current leading goal scorer.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: I am striker with goal scoring intensions I never under estimate my opponents. I also allow myself to contribute to the team by putting assists together.I am a hardworker and I play for the team not just myself. I push myself beyond my limits, I motivate my fellow team mates and always have their backs covered. I am a crucial Rotational player.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: Because I have the passion for football and the curcumstances at home is not so good.I want to rise out of this environment of crime. And because of the fact that there is no professional teams in Port Elizabeth (sa). It makes it very difficult for me to get exposure.
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